**Executive Director's Update - May 2024**

Dear Members,

As we welcome the beautiful month of May, I am thrilled to share some exciting updates and upcoming events within our community.

Firstly, I am delighted to announce the launch of our Journal Club on April 26th was a huge success! This initiative aims to foster deeper discussions and insights into the latest research and publications in the field of mindfulness. Our next session will be held on June 25th, and I encourage all members to join us for what promises to be an enriching and engaging experience. Your participation will not only enhance your own understanding but also contribute to our collective knowledge.

We are also excited to welcome a wave of new members to the American Mindfulness Association. Your enthusiasm and dedication to mindfulness practice are truly inspiring. I encourage our seasoned members to extend a warm welcome and share your experiences and insights. Together, we can create a supportive and vibrant community.

One of the most anticipated events this month is World Meditation Day on May 21st. We are honored to have Nate Klemp, a renowned mindfulness expert, joining us for a special meditation session. This global event is a wonderful opportunity to discuss his book OPEN: Living with an Expansive Mind in a Distracted World and unite in our practice, regardless of where we are in the world. Nate’s guidance will undoubtedly provide profound insights and deepen our collective experience. Get your tickets here

As we move through this month, I am reminded of the power of mindfulness in bringing us together and enriching our lives. Whether through participating in the Journal Club, welcoming new members, or joining the World Meditation Day event, there are so many ways to connect and grow within our community.

Thank you for your continued commitment and enthusiasm. Let’s make this May a month of learning, connection, and mindful presence.

Warm regards,

Holly Duckworth, CAE, CMP
Founder & Executive Director
American Mindfulness Association


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