Role of Resilience in Mindfulness Training for First Responders - Journal Club Discussion

Enhancing Mindfulness Practices: Insights from Our Recent Journal Club

At the American Mindfulness Association, we continuously strive to foster meaningful discussions and share valuable resources with our community. Our recent meeting was no exception. Here are some highlights and key takeaways from our latest session.

Jackie Quan and Michael Coplen Scientific Committee Co-Chairs hosted the journal club featuring a  review of the study, titled "Role of Resilience in Mindfulness Training for First Responders" conducted by Kaplan et al. This study explores the intersection of mindfulness training and psychological resilience among first responders, including law enforcement officers and firefighters.

Full article can be found here:

Research Review: Role of Resilience in Mindfulness Training for First Responders

The research, was based out of Pacific University in the Pacific Northwest, Washington State while a small sample size indicates that Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training (MBRT) significantly improves mindfulness, enhances resilience, and reduces burnout among first responders. The study’s findings highlight that increased mindfulness is significantly related to enhanced resilience, which in turn reduces burnout and that increased non-reactivity. This mediation effect underscores the importance of resilience as a mechanism of change in mindfulness training, providing valuable insights for developing effective interventions aimed at mitigating the high levels of occupational stress experienced by first responders.

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Why a Trade Association is Essential for the Mindfulness Industry

Why a Trade Association is Essential for the Mindfulness Industry

In an increasingly fast-paced world, mindfulness has become a crucial practice for enhancing mental well-being and fostering a balanced life. As the mindfulness industry grows, establishing a professional trade association, such as the American Mindfulness Association (AMA), is vital for supporting its development and ensuring its credibility. Here’s why a trade association is necessary for the mindfulness industry.

Advocacy and Policy Influence

As mindfulness gains recognition, it is essential to have a unified voice advocating for the industry’s interests. A trade association like the AMA represents the mindfulness community in policy discussions, ensuring that legislation and regulations support the growth and sustainability of mindfulness practices. Advocacy efforts help protect the interests of practitioners and promote the integration of mindfulness into various sectors, such as healthcare, education, and corporate environments.

Building a Unified Identity

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Understanding Trade Associations: A Closer Look

Understanding Trade Associations: A Closer Look

People often ask what makes the American Mindfulness Association different than the library of other mindfulness communities you may come across.  AMA is a trade association, a non profit based in the US.  

Trade associations, also known as industry associations or business associations, play a crucial role in various sectors, including the mindfulness industry. These organizations are formed by businesses and professionals within a specific industry to promote common interests, provide a collective voice, and drive industry standards. Here’s a deeper look into what trade associations are and why they matter.

What is a Trade Association?

A trade association is a membership-based organization that represents the interests of its members, who are usually businesses or professionals within a specific industry. In the case of the American Mindfulness Association our members represent the larger ecosystem of mindfulness including teachers, researchers and those who supply goods to the industry. As a trade association we promote the industry, provide valuable resources to members, and influence public policy.

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Advocacy and Policy Influence: Establishing the Profession of Mindfulness as an Industry

Advocacy and Policy Influence: Establishing the Profession of Mindfulness as an Industry

As mindfulness continues to gain recognition and acceptance worldwide, the importance of advocacy and policy influence in establishing the profession of mindfulness as an industry cannot be overstated. A trade association like the American Mindfulness Association (AMA) plays a pivotal role in representing the mindfulness community, ensuring that legislation and regulations support the growth and sustainability of mindfulness practices. Here’s why advocacy and policy influence are essential for the mindfulness industry.

The Need for a Unified Voice

The mindfulness industry encompasses a wide range of practices, from meditation and yoga to mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Certified Mindfulness Instructor (CMI), Mindfulness Self Compassion (MSC) and corporate mindfulness programs, and many more. Despite this diversity, there is a common need for a unified voice to advocate for the interests of mindfulness practitioners and organizations. The AMA serves as this collective voice, representing the industry in policy discussions and ensuring that the unique needs and perspectives of mindfulness professionals are heard.

Shaping Legislation and Regulations

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Who Should Join the American Mindfulness Association?

Who Should Join the American Mindfulness Association?

The AMA is ideal for a wide range of professionals within the mindfulness industry, including:

  1. Mindfulness Teachers and Instructors: Those who lead mindfulness classes, workshops, and retreats.
  2. Therapists and Counselors: Professionals incorporating mindfulness techniques into their therapeutic practice.
  3. Healthcare Providers: Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare practitioners using mindfulness-based interventions in patient care.
  4. Corporate Trainers: Individuals offering mindfulness programs in corporate settings to enhance employee well-being and productivity.
  5. Educators and School Counselors: Those integrating mindfulness into educational curriculums and student support services.
  6. Researchers and Academics: Professionals conducting research on mindfulness and its applications.
  7. Yoga Instructors: Teachers who combine yoga with mindfulness practices.
  8. Life Coaches and Personal Development Coaches: Coaches using mindfulness to help clients achieve personal growth and well-being.
  9. App Developers and Digital Content Creators: Individuals creating mindfulness apps, online courses, and digital content.
  10. Wellness Professionals: Those working in wellness centers, spas, and other health-oriented environments incorporating mindfulness.

How to Join the American Mindfulness Association

Joining the AMA is easy and offers numerous benefits that can enhance your career and practice. To become a member, visit the AMA's membership page and complete the registration process. By joining the AMA, you invest in your professional growth and contribute to the collective advancement of the mindfulness industry.


The American Mindfulness Association offers a wealth of benefits for mindfulness professionals, from continuing education to advocacy and networking. By becoming a member, you can enhance your skills, grow your practice, and join a supportive community dedicated to the highest standards of mindfulness practice. Join the AMA today and take the next step in your professional mindfulness journey.

Trends & Tensions A Conversation

As the growing professional trade association for the mindfulness industry, one key pillar of our work is staying on top of and being the link to trends, and the professionals making these trends possible.  Here are the top trends we see today. 
Digital Mindfulness Apps:
    • The rise of digital platforms and mobile apps dedicated to mindfulness, such as Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer, has made mindfulness practices more accessible to a broader audience. These apps often offer guided meditations, sleep aids, and other mindfulness exercises.

The tension for the industry - 

  • App download rates that were once steady and on the rise have now leveled off.  More important and stagger is that while apps are now on people's devices the usage rates are dropping. 

Mindfulness in the Workplace:

  • Many companies have recognized the benefits of mindfulness in promoting employee well-being and productivity. Workplace mindfulness programs, including meditation sessions and stress reduction initiatives, have become more common.

The tension for the Industry - 

  • Executives attempting to purchase mindfulness have no training on how to purchase it. As a result, they often get less skilled trainers.   Research is not getting conveyed to human resources departments and key decision-makers on the neuroscience of mindfulness.


Mindful Technology Use:
  • With increasing awareness of digital distractions and their impact on mental health, there is a growing trend toward mindful technology use. People are exploring ways to integrate mindfulness into their relationship with technology to foster a healthier balance.

The tension for the industry -

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How to Celebrate World Meditation Day In Your Office

World Meditation Day is celebrated on May 21st every year, and it's a great opportunity for workplaces to encourage their employees to take a break and practice mindfulness. Meditation has been shown to have many benefits, such as reducing stress and increasing productivity, and it can be a useful tool for employees to maintain their mental health.  It is key to understand that meditation and mindfulness are related but not the same.  Think of it like this, mindfulness is an umbrella term for a variety of ways to do stress reduction and focus.  If you are wanting to bring meditation into your workplace it is key to keep it secular and based on neuroscience. We also recommend making any mindfulness practice voluntary to avoid any perception of conflict of interest. 

That said,  here are five things you can do to celebrate World Meditation Day in a secular and neuroscience backed way in the workplace:

  1. Host a voluntary and secular Meditation Session

Organize a meditation session for employees, either in person or virtually. Invite a meditation expert to lead the session, or have someone in the workplace who is experienced in meditation guide the session. You can also play soothing music or nature sounds to help employees relax and focus.

  1. Set up a Quiet or Stillness Room or Space

Designate a quiet area in the workplace as a meditation room. Make sure the room is comfortable, clean, and peaceful. Provide meditation cushions, blankets, and other necessary items. Encourage employees to use the meditation room during their breaks or lunch hours.

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What are the most used apps for mindfulness in the workplace?

There are many apps available for mindfulness in the workplace, but some of the most popular ones include:

  1. Headspace - Offers guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and sleep tools.

This app provides a range of guided meditations, mindfulness exercises, and sleep tools, and is designed to be accessible for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. It has been widely praised for its user-friendly interface and the quality of its content.

With guided meditations, sleep stories, and relaxation techniques, Calm has been popular for its calming and soothing content. It also offers a range of features such as daily reminders and tracking tools to help you build a mindfulness habit.

  • Insight Timer - Offers thousands of guided meditations and mindfulness exercises from a variety of teachers.

This app offers thousands of guided meditations and mindfulness exercises from a variety of teachers, making it easy to find something that suits your specific needs. It also has a community feature that allows you to connect with other meditators around the world.

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Is Mindfulness An Industry

 Top 10 Reasons Mindfulness is Indeed an Industry

What is an Industry?

An industry is a group of businesses or organizations that produce goods or provide services that are closely related and serve a specific market or sector of the economy. Industries are characterized by their specialized activities, economic value, workforce, and influence on societal trends and behaviors.

Mindfulness as an Industry

Over the past few decades, mindfulness has evolved from a niche practice into a significant industry with its own economic, educational, and cultural impact. Here are the top 10 reasons why mindfulness is indeed an industry:

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